Sep 20 Duck Report


From the Guide

Sep 20 Duck Report

September 20 Duck Report from our guide Darrell

Mims Farm

We are building two new ponds behind the new lodge. They are starting to fill up: a few Bluewing teal 25 wood ducks 1200 mallards in 150 geese or so coming in in the mornings Angela Springs job pool Herman pond Wildwood Pond geez roost in about 10 in the morning approximately 100 125 three small groups and about to 250 wood ducks that 400 pounds of corn  In four days

Gillis Springs

Gillis Springs about 200 geese and our mallards are doing really well. No wild ducks here yet. Some members shot on the morning of 09/22 and had success with 3-4 separate waves of geese over about 90 minutes.


Seeing a handful full of Bluewing teal and the mallards are doing well.

Joe Poole

The mallards are still doing really well. No wild birds.

Herman Pond

The geese are roosting at night, leaving in the morning about 7am. We have about 100 geese roosting at night and right now about 200 ducks.

Wildwood Pond

Geese roost at about 10 in the morning-- approximately 100-125 in three small groups. Seeing about 250 wood ducks that ate 400 pounds of corn in just four days.


Nov 10 Duck Report
Sep 20 Duck Report
Oct 26 Duck Report
Sep 14 Duck Report